gets free for students…

“Money” by Pictures of Money is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The ser­vice pro­vid­ed by bback­.me costs €5 a year, which ac­counts for host­ing and de­vel­op­ment fees. Five eu­ros a year is not much per se, but for some of you it is still to much for a ser­vice which does not fill a dire need.

Thus, in ad­di­tion to the free test pe­ri­od of three months that al­lows you to test the ser­vice, we de­cid­ed to of­fer a free ser­vice to stu­dents and to oth­er in need.

Just subscribe to and then send a mail to explaining your situation, and why you think you are in the category of people who can not spend €5 a year for such a service. We will then gracefully proceed and give you a free extension of one year to begin, if your mail convinced us.

Be care­ful to use the same mail ad­dress than the one you have used to sub­scribe.


The pho­to “Money” by Pic­tures of Mon­ey is li­censed un­der CC BY 2.0
